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Monday 28 December 2009

Adorno on Popular Music. (Task 2)

(Subtitles don't start until half way through the video.. bare with it.)

Adorno Popular Music video.

The Standardisation of music through The X Factor.

2009 winner-

2008 winner-

2007 winner-

Saturday 14 November 2009

Meadowhall. The Panopticon. (Task 1)

'he does not see, he is the object of information and never a subject of communication.'

'Visiblilty is a trap'

The layout of Meadowhall, in particular the food court shows the signs of a Panopticon with the wide open space to give the feeling of freedom and independence and natural light skylight. The food court is in fact a completely contained room with only a single skylight for natural light and higher decks circling the room to view people from all angles. The room shape allows for public control and with many staff only doorways surrounding the perimeter allows for easy ejection of any problems.

'A considerable body of militia, commanded by good officers and men of substance.'

Thursday 12 November 2009

Media Ideology

Thursday 5 November 2009
